Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tiling Window Manager

I love Emacs because of editing speed and fast buffer switching among a lot neat features.

This week I've tried to make Pharo a little better on window management. This video shows the progress (thanks Gastón and Patrick for help and ideas).

Next step: KeyMapping integration + history à la Emacs winner-mode.

Sorry for my soooooooo awful english (tired ....).

Update 05/31/2011: you can load last version with colored theme with:
Gofer it
  squeaksource: 'TilingWindowManager';
  package: 'TWM';
(Smalltalk at: #StandardUITheme) beCurrent.
(Smalltalk at: #TWMBar) showTWMBar:true.

Tested on PharoCore 1.2 and Pharo 1.3.

Now this has support for world snapshot, that means you can arrange the windows and take a snapshot of the layout. Then you can restore these layouts later. (icons camera, <, > and trash). I'm not entirely satisfied with this, thanks for feedback.

In Pharo 1.3 there's initial integration with KeyMapping. To load:

Gofer it
  squeaksource: 'ShortWays';
  package: 'ConfigurationOfKeymapping';

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfKeymapping project version: '1.7') load.

Then in settings browser > Keymappings > Tiling Window Managers you have all actions of the dock mapped.

You can choose a Layout Strategy in settings.

Actually there's Horizontal (default) and Vertical (last used windows fills all remaining space) strategies.

To add your own just subclass TWMLayoutStrategy and implement #tileWindows:

To load TWM:
Gofer it
 squeaksource: 'TilingWindowManager';
 package: 'TWM';

I also think the UI theme Patrick has cleaned fits better with TilingWM:
Gofer it
 squeaksource: 'PBASandbox';
 package: 'PBSandbox';
StandardUITheme beCurrent.